
Research in the VAMP lab is carried out in the Center for Brain, Biology, and Behavior (CB3) in one of two locations. Mike Dodd's primary secure lab space is made up of five rooms (B66-70) on floor B of CB3 (FIND US HERE).  Rooms B66/68 and Rooms B67/B69 are the observational and experimental rooms for our Eyelink 2 and two Eyelink 1000 systems, respectively (SR Research), while Room 70 is general lab space.  The Eyelink 1000 is currently used solely for our project on task-switching and visual behavior.  The Eyelink 2 is the center for a number of projects that are central to both VAMP lab and other collaborative endeavors with various folks at UNL (a number of current eyetracking studies are outlined on the Research page).  We also have portable eyetrackers (Tobii glasses) and virtual reality systems both with (HTC Vive) and without (Oculus Rift) eyetracking capabilities.

Rooms B66 - B70

Eyelink 1000
Eyelink 1000
Lab Hallway
Lab Hallway
Lab Hallway
Testing Room
RA Workspace
Testing Room
Testing Room


Room B71: CB3 Testing Suite

In addition to the VAMP lab secure space, a number of our behavioral studies are carried out next door in B71 (FIND US HERE). B71 is a testing suite that is shared by various members of CB3 and is well suited to mass behavioral data collection. Room 74 is divided into nine individual test rooms, each containing 1-2 workstations. I have the ability to outfit a few of the computers in B71 with touch screen overlays and joysticks so this is the area where we do most of our data collection for non-eyetracking behavioral studies (which encompass attention, memory, perception, and motor studies).

Oculus Rift
Oculus Rift
Eyelink 2
Eyelink 2
Testing Suite
Testing Suite
Testing Room

Mike's Office: B82

Mike's office is right around the corner from the lab space.  For those seeking to find me for meetings (or if you're a student in one of my classes looking for me), you can find directions HERE.

Mike's Office



*In addition to the on-campus facilities, we occasionally run studies which require remote data collection and we have a number of laptops at our disposal for such situations (e.g. testing of elderly adults who can not make it in to the lab)...I didn't think these really warranted a picture though.