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The Man In Charge (wielding power with an iron fist): Mike Dodd
Professor, Graduate Chair, Social and Cognitive Area Coordinator, Former Editor-in-Chief of AP&P

Mike did his graduate work at the University of Toronto under the joint supervision of Professors Colin MacLeod and Jay Pratt. Upon obtaining his Ph.D. in 2005, Mike became a Killam postdoctoral fellow at the University of British Columbia working in the lab of Professor Alan Kingstone and collaborating with Professors Jim Enns and Todd Handy. He joined the University of Nebraska - Lincoln faculty in the fall of 2007 where he conducts research on vision, attention, memory, and perception (hence the lab acronym). He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2013 and Full Professor in 2018. He served as an Associate Editor at JEP:HPP from 2013-2014 and was the Editor-in-Chief of Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics from 2015-2021. He loves referring to himself in the third person. Mike's CV can be found HERE (Updated 7/1/2024)
Find Mike on Google Scholar
Find Mike on Research Gate
Students (Graduate, Thesis, UCARE, RA, and otherwise)
Emmanuella Asabere

Emmanuella Asabere graduated with a Doctor of Optometry degree from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Ghana in 2023. During her undergraduate studies, Emmanuella learned that amblyogenic factors, such as strabismus and anisometropia, can result in reduced visual acuity and contribute to learning difficulties in children. However, she observed that the prevalence and causes of amblyogenic factors have been poorly studied in Ghana, particularly in Kumasi. Wanting to fill this gap, she conducted research investigating the
prevalence of amblyogenic factors among children attending Ayeduase Basic School. Her
findings showed that many children had diminished stereopsis, indicating susceptibility to the
development of amblyopia. Upon graduation, Emmanuella served as a Clinical, Research, and
Teaching Assistant in the Department of Optometry and Visual Science at KNUST. Emmanuella is excited to begin her Ph.D. in the fall of 2024 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln under the mentorship of Professor Mike Dodd. She seeks to expand her research interest in the early diagnosis of visuo-cognitive diseases. In her free time, she enjoys reading books, cooking, and listening to music. Additionally, she volunteers with iCare Network to provide medical care and social support to underprivileged children in rural communities in Ghana.
Emma Brase

Emma is currently in the Social & Cognitive graduate program at UNL. She has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a minor in Music from Kansas State University. Her research interests include using eye tracking to study attentional biases, approach and avoidance behavior, and using data analytics to better understand, communicate, and treat issues related to mental and behavioral health. In her free time, Emma enjoys reading fantasy books, playing the viola, and spending time with her tuxedo cat Pip!
Caden Bottorf (UCARE student)

Korey Theye (UCARE student)

Jake Rance (Raikes Research Studio Student)

Alyssa Nielsen (Thesis student)

Anthony Finley (Volunteer RA)

Jessica Hays (Volunteer RA)

Isabella Nardulli (Volunteer RA)

Erik Baker (Volunteer RA)

Lab alumni
Past graduate students: Zachary Cole (now a Neuropsychological rater and sub-investigator at Adams Clinical), Mengzhu Fu (now an Assistant Professor at Shippensburg University), Evan Lintz (now an Assistant Professor at Sonoma State University) Gerald McDonnell (now a Research Psychologist at the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine), Mark Mills (now a Data Scientist at the University of Michigan Center for Academic Innovation), Monica Mills (now an Engagement & Assessment Educator Development Specialist in the Center for Teaching and Learning Innovation at Michigan State University), Jordan Wickstrom (now the Director of Clinical Research at Sinai Hospital), Joshua Zosky (now a senior software engineer at Neurable)
Past lab managers: Brett Bahle, Jordan Marshall, Elise Thayer, Lauren Bandel
Past undergraduate students (thesis, UCARE, and/or FYRE): Brett Bahle, Abbie Bartmess, Emily Birkel, Harley Boutard, Sarah Burghaus, Dillon Cornett, Kristin Divis, Sean Dageforde, Audrey Denning, David Dugger, Megan Elbel, Justin Frandsen, Gabby Gallacchi, Payton Geshke, Brandon Gore, Jordan Grubaugh. Arianne Holland, Lizzy Isaacson, Scott Jarecke, Aaron Keck, Laura Klein, Alex Knezevic, Billy Kuehn, Emily Lander, Grant Langdon, Joshua Magee, Jordan Marshall, Kaitlyn Meier, Logan Miller, Mitchell McCann, Scott McLean, Jude Olney, Gabriel Peterson, Tyler Person, Mallory Richert, Rachel Rixen, Sophia Smyth, Kyle Sramek, Charles Voigt, Joshua Warren, Noah Weiss, Olivia Wieda, Thomas Zimmer
Past undergraduate volunteers: Audie Aguilar, Dustan Ahrens, Ahmed Al Battashi, Peyton Alder, Brooklyn Allison, Ahmad Arraseef, Elaine Arrington, John Avery, Alyssa Bakulski, Therin Baum, Brandi Becvar, Griffin Bellamy, Emily Birkel, Haley Blankenhorn, David Boe, Emily Bohaty, Stefani Bradley, Ryan Bramhall, Hanna Brenden, Jordan Brooks, Patrick Brown, Emily Burke, Isabella Catalono, Emily Chapek, Grace Charlesworth, Saurabh Chandra, Sara Cipolla, Claudia Clinchard, Emily Coffey, Andrea Coleman, Jade Czarnecki, Sean Dageford, Ben Danielson, Akua Dawes, Keneisha Deans, Arity Dickerson, Ashlyn Dickmeyer, Rachel Dorn, Elizabeth Duchow, Drew Dudley, Ellen Dudley, Angie Dunn, Cece Duong, Elise Ehlers, Megan Elbel, Madelyn Ellis, Jayden Falldorf, Tristen Folz, Hannah Frankel, Erika Franta, Jon Freese, Morgan Fust, Shiv Gajre, Cristina Garcia, Anne Gates, Payton Geschke, Tyson Gibbons, Vanessa Gonzales, Jacob Griess, Elizabeth Grimes, Anamaría Guzmán, Julia Haas, Aaron Halvorsen, Sierra Hansen, Alexis Hartman, Katie Harris, Allison Havekost, Grace Hazek, Zach Headley, Madison Heath, Shanae Heard, Danielle Henery, Alex Henkel, Jordan Henkel, Cortney Holt, Amel Hskan, Kristina Huber, Nur Ahmad Hussin, Lizzy Isaacson, Maggie Jarding, Mahnoor Javaid, Lexi Jessen, Zhuo Jin, Andrew Johannes, Kaitlynn Johnson, Kathleen Johnson, Brittany Jones, Heejin Jung, Maria Kasun, Daina Keehn, Brian Keiser, Caleb Kelly, Thea Kerns, Joe Ketcham, Michael Killingsworth, Rebecca Kreis, Molly Kudym, Allison Kuenning, Emily Kuhn, Colin LaBrie, Brett Lahm, Emily Lander, Bryn Lang, Joley Langford, Sophia Lanphier, Katie Larkin, Sami Lauf, Mikaela Lawrence, Kevin Liang, Aaron Lightner, Shauna Lindstedt, Emma Loberg, Matthew Lowry, Maddie Luebbe, Jerry Lund, Samantha Lunde, Elaina Lundquist, Emily Madsen, Josh Magee, Michael Mahnken, Jordan Marshall, Aaron Martinez, Trevor Mattox, Sloan Matzke, Britteny McBride, Mason McCormick, Megan McFarland, Brynna McQuillen, Luke Meier, Kaitlyn Messner, Cole Meyer, Jeff Meyer, Ally Miller, Logan Miller, Sydney Miller, Luke Molzer, Alli Morton, Kevin Moser, Ellen Muehling, Patrick Mumm, Lauren Naber, Andrew Neal, Cassie Neal, Sandy Ngo, Alia Noetzel, Jayden Nord, Cody Nordhues, Jacob Nordhues, Laura Oh, Jude Olney, Alex Olsen, Ryan O'Neil, Haley Parker, Vashti Parks, Gabriela Perez, Sam Perez, Alexandra Petersen, Christine Phuong, Ricky Poh, Daley Porter, Jamie Porter, Sydney Powers, Kevin Rademacher, Anthony Raimondi, David Raybine, Olivia Reinert-Gehman, Connor Remar, Mallory Richert, Shelby Rohlff, Kyle Rojewski, Marissa Roney, Hannah Ross, McKenzie Rowe, Zach Rupiper, Marisa Ruwe, Elizabeth Ryan, Mikayla Sahm, Laura Salisbury, Trevor Scarlett, Taylor Schendt, Grant Schlimgen, Mackenzie Schmidt, Danae Schufeldt, Erica Schufeldt, Casey Schwee, DJ Sedlacek, Emika Severson, Sydney Shaffar, Taya Skelton, Brea Smith, Tanner Smith, Lillian Soucie, Mohammed Soumit, Lyndsey Stessman, Tyler Stading, Amori Strong, Karli Suarez, Kristin Swenson, Roukeyatou Takpara, Taylor Thomsen, Kelsey Tieken, Nicole Timm, Roberto Torres, Anna Trofholz, Tim Trojanowski, Kylee Twomey, Keaton Underwood, Jordan Valla, Jessica Van Buskirk, Dominick Vanlaningham, Megan Wackel, Joshua Warren, Anna Wassenburg, Austin Wehrwein, Lauren Weis, Jedediah Weiss, Michael Wenzl, Jordan Wheeler, Carolyn Willis, Brooke Wissler, Alec Wong, Audrey Workman, Diana Zhong, Claire Zuch